Author: admin

Teaching Online

I just finished a very refreshing eight weeks of teaching Scoring & Sound Design online. My students included a computer science major, a music major, a theater major, and a media major. When I envisioned this class, I thought it would be popular with filmmakers and people who love movies, and I designed the assignments […]



I bit the bullet over the summer and installed a Garmin 750, along with two G5s, a JPI 830 and a Garmin 345 to comply with the ADS-B mandate. The panel was upgraded in 1998 – two years before I acquired the airplane – with a then-state-of-the-art King stack. So it was time. The 750 […]



For years I was pretty good about keeping up my website – and then I wasn’t. But I’m back now and building this one item at a time. Eventually there will be audio and video samples, links to articles, and pictures – lots of pictures. For now, feel free to contact me if you’re looking […]